Our team Biomolecules: Analysis, Molecular and Cellular Interactions is multidisciplinary with expertise in biology, chemistry and physics. We are interested in developing biophysical and chemical biology tools to understand the functions of biomolecules and their interactions in various biological processes. Our projects focus on:
- The fundamental understanding of functional biomolecules, such as cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), homeoproteins (HPs) and viral peptides, and their general utilization for biotechnological and biomedical applications (F. Burlina, S. Cribier, T. Drujon, F. Illien, C. Lacombe, D. Ravault, N. Rodriguez, E. Sachon, S. Sagan, A. Walrant, D. Warschawski);
The design of photolabelling and bioorthogonal ligation-based approaches to study post-translational and epigenetic modifications (G. Bolbach, F. Burlina, T. Drujon, E. Sachon), and the use of extended chemical ligation for the synthesis of modified proteins (F. Burlina);
The development of new analytical tools such as mass spectrometry-based methods for the detection of biomolecule interactions in complex systems (G. Bolbach, E. Sachon, S. Sagan, A. Walrant), solid-state NMR-based methods to study living micro-organisms such as bacteria or micro-algae and the effects of pollution (D. Warschawski), and original biophysical setups to measure biomolecular interactions and movements of charged molecules through membranes (S. Cribier, N. Rodriguez);
The invention of new fluorescent biosensors and chemical-genetic tools to observe and study dynamic biochemical events in live cells and tissues with high spatial and temporal resolution (A. Gautier, N. Pietrancosta).
GDR 3625 MuFoPam
GDR 3739 GAGoSciences
GDR 3070 CellTiss
GDR 2108 Approches quantitatives du vivant
GDR Chemobiologie (soon to be created)
Peptide synthesis, HPLC
Cell culture: bacteria, eukaryote
Protein expression and purification by FPLC
Protein engineering: electrophoresis, electrotransfer, immunodetection, in-gel digestion for MS analysis
Molecular biology: cloning
Purification biotin/streptavidin, C18, C8, TiO2, Ni2+, Co2+
Microscopy: evanescent wave, phase contrast, fluorescence
Flow cytometry
Photoaffinity labeling
Fluorescence, absorbance spectroscopy
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)
Calorimetry: Isothermal Titration; Differential Scanning
Model membrane: GUV, MLV, LUV
Mass spectrometry: MALDI-TOF, TOF-TOF, nanoLC-ESI
Antimicrobial assays
ANR DKP-COMBIBIO 2017-2020 (Coordinator: P. Belin; Partner: E. Sachon)
ANR TP-Peptides 2017-2020 (Coordinator: P. Dalko; Partner: F. Burlina)
ANR CROSS 2018-2021 (Coordinator: A. Joliot; Partner: S. Sagan)
ANR ADOBE 2020-2023 (Coordinator: Nicolas Despras; Partner: A. Gautier)
ANR AUDITIF 2020-2023 (Coordinator: Frédéric Olivier; Partner: D. Warschawski)
ERC Fluoswitch 05/2017-05/2022 (Coordinator: A. Gautier)
Fondation ARC 01/2019-12/2020 (Coordinator: S. Sagan)
PHC Balaton 01/2019-12/2020 (Coordinators: Z. Banoczi (Hungary) S. Sagan (France))
SATT Lutech Peptides antimicrobiens et leurs utilisations (Coordinator: C. Lacombe, E. Sachon)
80 Prime CNRS (Coordinator: Nicolas Pietrancosta)